Dissertation Structure: Free Sample & Guide to Write a Dissertation

In the Dissertation or Thesis Writing Process, The Most Important Thing is to Follow a Standard Dissertation Structure. Though, Writing a Correct Dissertation Structure May Not be an Easy Task for You

However, You Can Easily do This With the Help of Our Expert UK Dissertation Writers. Dissertation Structure or Format in fact Indicates How the Activities or Course of Writing a Dissertation Progresses.

You might have searched and consulted a number of guides about structuring a dissertation but if you are still not satisfied on how to structure a dissertation then you have come to the right place. We claim that after reading this page you will have a firm knowledge on how to structure a dissertation and you will be able to start writing your dissertation based on this structure.

Check Out The Dissertation Sample to Get Help in Structuring a Dissertation


With The Help of This Dissertation Structure Guide You Will Get Answers to 3 Key Questions
  • What is the standard dissertation structure that a student must follow?
  • How to structure a dissertation proposal?
  • How Can I get help from a free dissertation sample to structure my dissertation?

What is The Standard Dissertation Structure That a Student Must Follow?

Generally, following structure is used to write a dissertation:

Title: Title of the dissertation depicts your area of research as well as topic. For instance: “PERCEPTIONS OF OCCUPATION STRESS BETWEEN EMPLOYEE AND MANAGERS AND THE METHODS OF STRESS MANAGEMENT”

Title Page: The title page usually contains:

  • Name of the Student
  • Name of Faculty
  • Year of Study
  • Title of the Dissertation

A Signed Declaration: Through which the student provides a declaration that the dissertation is purely done by him/her.

Acknowledgements: You can acknowledge the contribution of other persons who helped you in writing your dissertation such as your supervisor, family members and friends.

Abstract: An abstract is a brief summary of the whole dissertation comprising one page. It informs the reader about background of the study, aims and objectives, methodology used as well as the key findings.

Table of Contents: A table of contents includes dissertation chapters, appendixes etc. usually a dissertation consists of following chapters;

Chapter 1. Introduction

In the introduction chapter, the student has to inform the reader on background of the research, problem statement, research questions, significance of the research and brief on methodology to be used. It also describes an outline of the dissertation.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Literature Review chapter is a very important part of dissertation as it critically evaluates existing literature on the research topic and provides base for further research.

Chapter 3. Methodology

This chapter is a detailed description of methodology chosen for addressing research question. The researcher informs the reader on research approach, research instruments, sampling techniques and sample size etc. a section on data collection and data analysis methods is also the part of a Methodology Chapter.

Chapter 4. Results

Results chapter is an analysis of study findings obtained through either surveys, interviews, focus groups or both.

Chapter 5. Discussion and Analysis

The Discussion and Analysis chapter is a discussion on the findings of the study. It discusses the findings in accordance with the literature review as well as research objectives.

Chapter 6. Conclusion

The Conclusion chapter of a dissertation is the essence of the whole research study. It consists of brief information on the aims, results, practical implication of the results to the theory and to different stakeholders. It also describes limitations that the author faced as well as recommendations for the future work.

The Bibliography

Bibliography is the list of all the references used in a dissertation. This list is compiled according to citation style used such as Harvard, MLA, APA, and Chicago, Turabian or any other as specified by your university.

The Appendices

Some specific parts such as questionnaire, responses of participants, consent forms and tables are given as appendixes.

NOTE: it is not necessary that every dissertation has all these chapters. And based on the nature of research may be there is one chapter for results and discussion instead of two.

How to Structure a Dissertation Proposal?

A dissertation proposal is a document through which a student proposes to conduct a research giving clear aims, need for research, significance of the research and methodology to be used. Given below is the structure to be followed for a dissertation proposal:

Introduction: In this part you need to provide information on the research problem you have chosen and give reason as why it is important to be researched. Introduction part also includes research objectives and research questions as well as hypothesis…

A Review of Literature: This part of the proposal helps to signify research problem as through review you are able to provide evidence from recent researches in favor of research topic

Research Approach: Through this section you are providing information on the sources, methods and measures that are required for conducting a research. What you should know while writing a PhD dissertation and how you will find answers to the research questions?

An Outline of Chapters: This is an outline of the chapters that your dissertation will consist of.

A Preliminary Bibliography: Here you indicate a list of potential materials to be used such as books, journals, articles etc

How Can I Get Help From a FREE Dissertation Sample To Structure My Dissertation?

To facilitate our customers and to maintain the integrity of our service we are offering dissertation samples. You can get following benefits from this free service:

  • The sample will give you an idea on how to structure your dissertation and you will be able to write a “2:1 Standard” dissertation.
  • You can get a dissertation sample written in the citation style you are looking for. You can request an MLA, APA, Harvard or Chicago style dissertation sample.
  • Your requested free dissertation sample will reach you within no less than 6 hours

Get a Sample Dissertation Structure As Per Your Requirements

If you are still not confident to write dissertation or dissertation proposal you can get help from our UK Dissertation Writers who are always there to work for you.